landscape with fields and hills
Empowering rural communities to act for change

RURACTIVE Open Call for Innovators

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please make sure to first read our detailed Open Call and Guidelines. In this document you will find our answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning the open call process and rules.

Apply by 5th February 2025 at 17:00 CET


  • What documents do I need to submit?
    1. Technical Proposal Template – Fill out and upload the template from the Open Call webpage.
    2. Company Registration Documents (if selected for funding):
      • Company registration certificate
      • Proof of VAT registration
      • SME Declaration (provided after selection)
    3. Declaration of Honour – Signed document confirming the accuracy of your information.
    4. Financial Information (if selected for funding):
      • Bank account details
      • Financial form


  • Who can apply to the open call?
    • Single applicants (SMEs/startups) - Single entities which are SMEs/startups eligible under Horizon Europe rules for participation and who are a solution provider may apply to the RURACTIVE Open Call
    • Consortia led by SMEs/startups - In addition, RURACTIVE is open to projects developed by a consortium of maximum two entities, out of which the coordinator must be an individual SME/startup. The second consortium member may be:
      • SMEs/startups
      • mid-caps
      • researchers/academia
    • Rural associations (legally registered)

    Note: Natural persons applying individually are not eligible.

  • Is it possible to combine the RURACTIVE grant with other funds?

    Yes. If you are participating in other EU projects, nationally, publicly or privately funded programmes, you are eligible to apply for the RURACTIVE Open Call and be funded. However, you are not eligible to apply for the RURACTIVE Open Call if you receive another EU funding for the same proposal.


  • What is the procedure of the applications evaluation?

    The RURACTIVE team checks the formal eligibility of your application. If your application is eligible, individual evaluators with a high level of expertise and professional experience, will assess your proposal in line with the evaluation criteria (the evaluation criteria is described in the Open Call Guideline document). The evaluation of all eligible applications will take place after the deadline of 5th February 2025.

  • What will evaluators look out for?

    Independent evaluators will score applications based on innovation, impact, feasibility, and project alignment with the RURACTIVE objectives.


  • What kind of documents should I submit to sign the sub-grantee agreement if selected?
    • Copy of ID card or Passport of the legal representative(s) of the organisation
    • Copy of the original Extract of organisation registration
    • Copy of VAT registration certificate,
    • Copy of the Organisation's Proof of Address
    • The entity will fill out the SME Declaration and sign a Declaration of Honour.
    • Finally, the entity will provide the bank account information and the financial form to fill.


  • Could you provide more details about the planned activities if my project enters the programme?

    The programme is divided into 2 stages:

    Stage 1 - Duration: two (2) months

    From the Open Call applicants, 36 projects will be selected to enter stage 1. The programme beneficiaries - the RURACTIVE Innovators - will receive a wide range of value-added services and funding.

    • Funding and Initial Support: Receive funding of €5,000 (per project idea) to present your innovative project to the consortium and support the travel to Dynamo’s territory you want to support.
    • Direct Collaboration
    • Expert Guidance
    • Opportunity to be selected to stage 2: through the development of the detailed
    • Implementation plan after the workshop at the Dynamos.

    Stage 2 - Duration: eighteen (18) months – six (6) months for development and implementation + twelve (12) months validation and impact assessment

    At the end of stage 1, up to 24 innovators (up to two per dynamo) will be selected to enter stage 2, being invited to develop, deploy and assess their solutions.

    • Additional Funding: Receive additional funding up to €55,000 for single applicants or € 85,000 for consortia to further develop your project.
    • Development and implementation
    • Validation and impact assessment
    • Extended Deployment
  • What is the funding?

    The maximum funding to each third-party is €60,000 (if applied as single entity) or €90,000 (if applied as a consortium consisting of two entities).